This link was a test ~ to confirm that we could do a link ~ which in this case goes to one of your radio interviews.
Check the link a couple of lines down ~ and you’ll see that we can also post a PDF.
This link was a test ~ to confirm that we could do a link ~ which in this case goes to one of your radio interviews.
Check the link a couple of lines down ~ and you’ll see that we can also post a PDF.
Happy New Year ~ 2022. This will be our latest blog.
The PDF was a handy AWON Newsletter (not exactly your content) ~ but you can see that it can be done!
Looks to me as though the “Content Link Block” can be linked ~ to a page on your site ~ or to some other page. So no one has to see the esoteric “text” address.
June 3, 2016
We can edit this text. Could be about connecting with other resources having to do with orphans and their futures beyond the "Home" in Ireland. Blog to come.
We can edit this text. Michael's Second blog . . . could be about the purpose and scope of the Inmate 651 Website. Blog to come.
We can edit this text from long ago: Michael's First blog could be about the purpose and scope of the the First Edition (hardbound) book. Blog to come.