Stranorlar, County Donegal is where my story began . . .

County Donegal, encompassing 1,877 square miles, is home to a population of 161,137, give or take a few, is the largest Irish-speaking region on the northwest coast of Ireland.

Rathmullan is located on the Lough Swilly in the North West part of County Donegal. The town's population varies between 400-600 depending on the time of year. It's a great summer spot and quite a few of the homes are owned by Northern Irish citizens.

Letterkenny is the County seat for County Donegal. It's approximately 25 kilometers from Rathmullan and it's where the shopping is done by the majority of county residents on the west side.

Stanorlar is where the County Home was located.  If you look at the far left (in the middle) you can see where the home was formerly located. There is now a golf course just behind the consecrated burial sites.

Ballybofey and Stranorlar are considered twin cities in that they are only separted by a bridge.  Most Irish cities are not this close in proximity to each other. Ballybofey is the commercial hub with stores, markets, shopping mall and theaters.